
Yvonne Ridley takes sides. Guess whose?

Guest post by Judeosphere

Yvonne Ridley– Talibanette and Press TV broadcaster– has weighed in with her views of the current unrest in Iran:

Despite my efforts, I could not find one single mainstream newspaper which covered the Iranian elections in an objective way. Exactly the same thing happened when the Palestinians swept Hamas to power–in its arrogance the Western media decided if it wasn’t ‘best for the west’ then it can’t be good for anyone else.

The journalists are often mere accomplices or tools for darker forces. And so if a democratic election produces the ‘wrong’ result the CIA, among other mischief-makers, go into overdrive to create unrest. And if this is the case, they’ve done a good job – hundreds of thousands of people are demonstrating in Tehran as I write.

Well, I guess that’s explains why Reporters Without Borders reports that Iran is now the “world’s biggest prison for journalists.”

I’m quite a fan of Mahmoud Admadinejad who is adored by the common man and woman in Iran. Anyone who vows to narrow the gap between rich and poor can’t be all that bad… unless you’re one of the rich!

Or unless you’re a young woman known as Neda

I have been to Iran twice now, and as a visitor anywhere, if you want to find out what is really happening on the ground don’t speak to the intellectuals or the politicians… get a translator and grab a taxi. Taxi drivers are a great source of information and they will give a more accurate view representing the man in the street – this is the man who can’t speak English and is therefore largely over-looked by lazy western journalists.

Jonathan Spollen writes:

“A trip to Iran last November is the strongest evidence I have come across so far to support the argument that this vote was rigged in the incumbent’s favor. Out of scores of people from all walks of life that I spoke to over a period of three weeks, not one said they were satisfied with how Mr Ahmadinejad was running their country. Bazaaris said he was bad for business, taxi drivers said their salaries were depreciating in value by the week, university graduates said there were no jobs, businesspeople said working in Iran was a constant struggle, religious minorities complained of persecution.”

At the end of the day will it make a great deal of difference? The reality is Ahmadinejad as president is not the most powerful person in Iran. He is not the commander in chief of the army or the security forces. He doesn’t even have the power to go to war.

Those powers are reserved for the supreme leader of Iran Ayatollah Khameinei and if Iranian people want more say in the running of their country perhaps it is to him they should go for reform instead of listening to siren calls from the self-serving West.

Iranian journalist Mehdi Jami writes: “Khamenei’s biggest mistake was to say that he is closer to the current president than to the people. According to our constitution, our leader cannot belong to one political party or another. He will be remembered as a leader who split the people, ended his own leadership and became a tribal chief.”